
How to Break Your ‘Loops’ and Form Better Habits

My cat Mira likes to do the same things at the same time, every day. At some point I put my hand under the...

Six Ways to Handle Any Unexpected Expense

No matter how carefully you budget and plan, unexpected expenses are an unavoidable part of life. A car repair, medical bill, or home maintenance...

A Second Job Might Not Be the Solution, Actually

Most advice offered to anyone struggling to make ends meet typically boils down to some variation of "spend less and/or earn more"—which often means...

These Drinks Are Sneaky Sources of Caffeine

Of all the substances humans use to augment, alter, suppress, and avoid various aspects of our existence, caffeine is one of the most amazing....

Add These Sodas to Your Bad Wine

Adding Coca-Cola to wine isn’t new–it’s common in Spain, and even Tom Hanks sips on diet “cokagne” – but could adding soda make bad wine better? Could there...

10 Fancy Gifts for Experienced Coffee Drinkers

When it comes to coffee, I’m something of a veteran; I was investigating fussy brewing methods and turning my nose up at the office...

35 Movies So Bad, They’re Actually Really Good

Despite the headline you see above, for the most part, I don’t buy the premise that movies can be so bad, they’re actually good....

Four Home Renovations That Are Worth the Extra Money (and Five That Aren’t)

Renovating or remodeling your house can be a disorienting experience. Between the mess, the strangers crawling all over the place, and the constant discovery of...

Seven Post-Retirement Side Hustles That Offer More Than Money

The conversation around retirement is usually centered around money—whether you’ll have enough, what “enough” even means, and how to plan ahead for unexpected financial needs...

How to Help Your Parents Afford Retirement Without Going Broke Yourself

Retirement planning can be a scary subject, with good reason: More than a fourth of non-retired people have absolutely nothing saved for retirement, and even many folks...


How to Break Your ‘Loops’ and Form Better Habits

My cat Mira likes to do the same things...

Six Ways to Handle Any Unexpected Expense

No matter how carefully you budget and plan, unexpected...

A Second Job Might Not Be the Solution, Actually

Most advice offered to anyone struggling to make ends...

These Drinks Are Sneaky Sources of Caffeine

Of all the substances humans use to augment, alter,...

Add These Sodas to Your Bad Wine

Adding Coca-Cola to wine isn’t new–it’s common in Spain, and...